The ICAO code of flight UA7113 is UAL7113
Tocumen International Airport (PTY)
Flight UA7113 is scheduled at 15:48 for departing from Panama City to Asuncion
The departure terminal of flight UA7113 is 1
The departure gate of flight UA7113 is 126
The current flight status of UA7113 is landed.
The average flight time from Panama City to Asuncion is 378 minutes.
Flight UA7113 is on time.
Flight UA7113 is scheduled at 00:06 for arriving in Asuncion after departing from Panama City
Silvio Pettirossi International Airport (ASU)
The arrival terminal of flight UA7113 is N/A
The arrival gate of flight UA7113 is 4
You can claim your baggage at belt N/A